Category: Financial

How financial advice adds more value to your life than you may realise

The cost of living crisis is causing many to re-evaluate the benefits of financial advice.    Traditionally, the value of financial advice has been measured by monetary results of investment performance and returns. Today, the cost of living crisis is causing many to re-evaluate the benefits of financial advice. These days, financial planning is about [...]

Think twice

Think twice: Why cancelling your financial protection during the current cost of living crisis could be a bad idea Centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin announced that “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”. This is especially true when it comes to ensuring your personal finances are protected from the rainiest of days. However, with [...]

Spring clean your finances

The start of a new year is a great time to review your finances – whether it’s your savings and investments, mortgages or insurance policies. Higher interest rates and the rapid increase in the cost of living are likely to be affecting many areas of your finances. The start of the year is the perfect [...]

What the recent Growth Plan and Government U-turns mean for you and your finances

Now that the dust has started to settle, what do the recent announcements, and U-turns, mean for you and your finances? What is still happening The National Insurance contribution rate will fall from 6 November 2022. In April 2022, the National Insurance contribution (NIC) rate increased by 1.25 percentage points to pay for additional health [...]

Spring Clean Your Finances

There’s plenty of advice and ‘life hacks’ on how to make spring-cleaning less of a chore. A quick Google search will throw up hundreds of random tips – like using cola to clean the toilet, lemon to clean the taps and vinegar to clean just about anything! When you’ve finished scrubbing your worktops with baking [...]

Investing for children

Inflation: Price rises see record jump as food costs soar in August

Price rises have seen the biggest jump since records began in 1997 as the economy continued to reopen. Official figures show that the increase in the cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index, hit 3.2% in the year to August. Higher prices in restaurants and for recreation and food were behind the [...]

Millions of young pension savers ‘are not taking enough risk’

Millions of workers under 40 are not taking enough risk when it comes to investing their pension, a study says. Written by: Joanna Faith 16/08/2021 Your Research on behalf of pension platform Interactive Investor found 66 per cent of people aged between 18 and 39 – around 10 million people – have a low risk [...]

More Than 20 million Have Been Targeted By Financial Scammers

Our new research shows nearly two out of five adults have been targeted by financial scammers in the past year highlighting the need for increased advice. The nationwide study found 38% of adults – the equivalent of more than 20 million people - report a rise in financial scam attempts that they, or people they [...]

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