Month: April 2023

Why diversification is key when inflation rises

To stay ahead of rising costs and maintain your assets’ purchasing power, your portfolio needs to provide positive returns. Diversification can help you achieve this. What is diversification? Diversification is investment jargon for the well-known proverb: “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. While a well-diversified portfolio doesn’t give you guaranteed downside protection, [...]

It’s not all fixed rates

With over 10 years of record low interest rates, fixed rate mortgages offer borrowers the stability of knowing what the mortgage payment will be for a set period, which helps with budgeting. Because of the way many lenders decide what rates to offer, we’re currently seeing tracker products priced a lot more competitively than fixed rate [...]

How financial advice adds more value to your life than you may realise

The cost of living crisis is causing many to re-evaluate the benefits of financial advice. Traditionally, the value of financial advice has been measured by monetary results of investment performance and returns. Today, the cost of living crisis is causing many to re-evaluate the benefits of financial advice. These days, financial planning is about more [...]

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