Month: March 2023

Newsletter-March 2023

Spring Budget winners and losers

The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, has delivered the next part of his plan: “a Budget for long term and sustainable growth”. Read on to find out who were the winners and losers from the 2023 spring Budget. Winners Over-50s returning to work In his speech, the Chancellor said that “older people are the most skilled and [...]

Think twice

Think twice: Why cancelling your financial protection during the current cost of living crisis could be a bad idea Centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin announced that “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”. This is especially true when it comes to ensuring your personal finances are protected from the rainiest of days. However, with [...]

Make the most of your tax wrappers

It’s a good idea to know how your investments are taxed when selling them. Here are some of the ways you can organise your assets to make them tax efficient. One of the worst things about earning money is that you have to pay tax. Whether it’s your salary or the interest you’ve earned on [...]

Spring clean your finances

The start of a new year is a great time to review your finances – whether it’s your savings and investments, mortgages or insurance policies. Higher interest rates and the rapid increase in the cost of living are likely to be affecting many areas of your finances. The start of the year is the perfect [...]

Use them or lose them

At this time of year, one of the most beneficial things you can do for your money is to review your annual allowances. Make sure you’re using those that are available to you so you don’t pay more tax than necessary. The end of the tax year is on 5 April 2023 and it’s not [...]

Ready to get started ?

Speak to a specialist at (0153 635 7806)