Month: September 2021

UK house prices forecast to rise by up to 3.5% a year between 2022 and 2024

Hamptons has released its housing market forecast for next year and beyond, predicting that property price growth will remain above pre-pandemic levels as the cycle ends in 2024. The company believes that summer 2021 marked peak house price growth. As we move into autumn and winter they expect price growth to slow, ending the year [...]

Inflation: Price rises see record jump as food costs soar in August

Price rises have seen the biggest jump since records began in 1997 as the economy continued to reopen. Official figures show that the increase in the cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index, hit 3.2% in the year to August. Higher prices in restaurants and for recreation and food were behind the [...]

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National Insurance: New Health and Social Care Tax & How Will It Affect Me?

The government has announced an extra tax to fund social care in England, and help the NHS recover after the pandemic. But there has been criticism - including from within the Conservative Party - that it will be unfair on younger people and the lower paid.     What are the new plans? Employees, employers [...]

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